Eric Vallat
Chief Executive Officer
« Our culture of excellence depends on our ability to apply the highest ethical standards, from the design of our products to their ultimate sale »
Eric Vallat
Chief Executive Officer
« Our culture of excellence depends on our ability to apply the highest ethical standards, from the design of our products to their ultimate sale »
The Ethics Charter, built around our values “Terroir, people and time”, reflects the Rémy Cointreau Group’s commitments in terms of ethics and compliance.
It refers to the internal policies drawn up on these topics: together, they form the ethical framework for Rémy Cointreau’s actions.
This culture of integrity is based on compliance with laws and regulations, but above all on each employee’s adherence to the Group’s values. Thus, the Ethics Charter defines the rules that each employee must follow in carrying out their professional activities and in their relations with all Group’s stakeholders – colleagues, customers, shareholders and business partners. It provides practical advice on everyday situations and issues relating to business ethics.
This Charter forms a solid basis for a sustainable development of our activities and supports the decision-making of the Group’s employees.
It is available in 5 languages.
Combatting bribery and influence peddling is a major concern of Rémy Cointreau. To that end, the Group applies a zero-tolerance policy on bribery.
Do you want to raise any concern about an ethical question or launch an alert by reporting any violations, breaches or dangers that you may be aware of?
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