Emmanuelle PiegzaHR & Talent Coordinator



“Chance would have it” is an expression in which I firmly believe.

Throughout my professional career, things happened, thanks to meetings “at the right time.” From beginning my career in finance, to working as an assistant, to now a Human Resources assistant, there were a few steps in my career evolution.

New challenges have always been my driving force. So, after eight years in the Andromede holding company, I had the opportunity to join the Rémy Cointreau Group in the HR & Talent teams, which I viewed as the chance to add a new string to my bow.

What do you enjoy most about your current role?

In addition to being a position in which part of my missions were totally unknown to me two years ago, and where curiosity is an asset, it is the atmosphere and excitement that drives the Group and my teams that were most appealing to me. Here, there is no time out, no monotony, as well as the occasion to meet, help and collaborate with people from very different backgrounds. Each new experience is an opportunity—and make this work very stimulating!

What qualities are needed to assist 2 teams (Talents/HR)?

Working for several services never seemed overwhelming to me. The majority of positions I held have allowed me to develop the main qualities required to have a multi-faced role. As for a cocktail, the difficulty lies in finding the right mix: First, communication and a good dose of organization, second to accessing information that prioritizes records, and third, giving the same importance and care to tending to each request from my teams and the colleagues who seek my help. It is important to stress that an assistant’s characteristics are not everything, it is also the cohesion between the two teams that makes all the difference!