Act for our people and our communities

Sustainable transformation is a collective adventure

Its acceleration depends first of all on the respect and commitment of the women and men who make up our community, but also on the support of our partners: from our agricultural suppliers, to our bartenders, glassmakers and distributors, here and elsewhere.

Today : A strong leadership at all levels of the group. Our commitments in terms of environmental, social and societal responsibility are represented at all levels of the group, from the CSR committee to the Board of Directors, to the general management, to our CSR leaders, on site, brand and market levels.

Our key performance indicators

Today :

Professional equality index: not calculable for 2024

Goal :

80 M€

dedicated to the sustainable transformation of the group on 10 years

In the spotlight

Mentoring – Our neighbourhoods have got talent.

Since 2014, our employees have been coaching young people with low self-confidence and high stress for the future, and giving them advice on job interviews and building a professional network.

69 young people have been hired on fixed-term or permanent contracts since 2014